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Rates & Terms


When does Digital Learning Camp begin?

The first day of camp is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1st.  This is subject to change if academic schools delay the start of their school year.


How much is Digital Learning Camp Membership?

There is an initial $30 registration fee per child.  Then the camp fee is $45 per day for our Taekwondo members and $55 per day for non Taekwondo members.


Is there a family discount or multiple day discount for camp?

Due to our limited capacity, we are unable to offer any discounts.  We are confident that the quality of our programming and camp operation provides a strong value for the price.


Why is there a registration fee for digital learning camp?

Because of the high interest in our camp and the restricted capacity required for social distancing, we are asking families to establish their "place in line" by paying $30 registration fee per child.  This fee will be applied to the purchase of work stations (chairs and desks) that we will utilize at our camp.  If we run out of membership slots before we run out of applications, families will have the option to receive a refund of their registration fee or be placed on a waiting list.


If I choose to be placed on waiting list what happens next?

Families on the waiting list will be notified if a membership spot opens up and they will be given the option to join Digital Learning Camp on a first come, first served basis, subject to daily capacities.


Is the Digital Learning Camp a daycare?

We are not a daycare.  We are a drop in recreation program offering a limited number of membership to our "club."


How certain can I be that my child will be able to "drop in" on the days that I need?

Because we are limiting the number of memberships that we offer based on capacity, you should feel confident that if you are accepted as a member that your child will be able to "drop in" as needed.


How long will you be offering the digital learning camp?

We intend to offer the camp as long as school districts are running their modified schedules.  It is our goal to provide this service as long as it is needed by our families.


What about Clark County school holidays?

If academic schools are closed for a holiday (i.e. Columbus Day), our Digital Learning Camp will be closed as well.


How many campers will you be accepting into the camp?

Initially we intend to accept no more than 10 students per day.  However, since most students will not be attending every day, we will be able to offer more than 10 memberships.  We will determine the exact number once we see the days requested by families.  Campers will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis with priority given to HS Taekwondo members, and subject to daily capacities.


Can I stop digital learning camp at anytime?

Yes.  We would appreciate being notified a week in advance of your decision, so that families on our waitlist my be notified of the opening for membership.


What if schools are forced to close again?

As a drop in recreation program, our operation may be subject to different guidelines than academic schools.  We plan to continue to offer our services unless we are required to be shut down by the state or federal government.


Daily Procedures​


How will camper drop-off and pick-up be done?

To keep the volume of people in our facility to a minimum, we ask that parents only enter the facility briefly for drop off or pick up.  Our staff will communicate with families daily through the use of our app and cell phones during check in and check out.


Will other people be allowed into the facility while my child is in camp?

From 8:30 am to 3:00 PM the campers and staff will be the only people in our facility.  After 3 PM, students in our evening Taekwondo classes will be attending classes in our main classroom floor.  At that time, campers will utilize our second classroom and multi purpose room.  All Taekwondo students are subject to the same health screening process and safety protocols as campers.


Who will be watching over my child and assisting campers with digital learning each day?

Our camp staff will consist of a combination of HS Taekwondo instructors as well as staff with education and/or childcare experience.


What will my child need to bring with them to camp each day?

Campers should bring two (2) snacks and a lunch packed in an insulated lunch bag and a water bottle.  They should also bring their Taekwondo uniform and belt.  Each child will be provided with their own personal bin, in which to keep their individual school supplies and backpacks.


Suggested specific school supplies will likely include bur are not limited to:

  • Pencil case/Pens/Pencils/Colored pencils

  • Scissors

  • Glue stick/Glue

  • Book to read

  • Electronic device and charger

  • Bottle of personal hand sanitizer

  • 2 Clean face masks daily

  • Any other school supplies required to complete work


Will the Taekwondo training offered during the camp hours be sufficient for my child to advance to their next belt rank?

Any training done between 9:00 - 3:00 will be skills and drills training only for the purpose of providing physical activity.  In order to learn and practice curriculum, Taekwondo students should continue to attend their regularly scheduled afternoon and evening classes.


Does my child need to be a martial arts student to participate in the digital learning camp?

No, any child is welcome to participate and no prior martial arts experience is needed!  However, if a non student camper would like to participate in afternoon or evening classes, they will need to join our Taekwondo school.


Will this camp be broadcast on Zoom or any other online form?

At this time, we are not planning to broadcast the camp online.


How will camp staff communicate with families?  How can parents connect with camp staff?

We will communicate with camp families through email and app.  Staff will have a camp cell phone with them. 

Daily Procedures

Safety Protocols​


What screening will be done each day?

Upon arrival, all campers will have their temperature checked, wash their hands with hand sanitizer and parents will need to answer three health screening questions.


Will campers, students or staff be required to wear a mask?

Yes, masks are required for everyone in the facility at all times.


Will there be any breaks from wearing masks throughout the day?

Yes, we will schedule a few mask breaks throughout the day.  These will be done when greater physical distancing between campers is possible or when we are outdoors.


What social distancing measures will you have in place?

During open gym, sports activities and Taekwondo training, all children will be kept six or more feet apart.  During digital learning and lunch/snack times, all desks will be placed six or more feet apart.


What is the camp sick policy?

Students should not attend camp if they are not feeling well.  Campers may be sent home upon arrival, or at any point in the day, if the camp staff recognize any signs of illness.  These signs include, but are not limited to coughing, sneezing, or complaints of a sore throat or headache.  In addition, any campers who have traveled outside of Washington state to an area requiring quarantine upon return, must wait 14 days before returning to camp.  The same applies to any camper who has come in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.


What happens if a camper is diagnosed with COVID-19?

We will be following the same policy as many local school districts.  In the event that a camper is diagnosed with COVID-19, we will notify and collaborate with the Clark County Department of Health and contact families of individuals who were in close contact with that camper and provide instructions regarding quarantine and testing.


Safety Protocols
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1808 SW 9th Ave, St 101 | Battle Ground, WA 98604

Tel. (360)723-0862 |

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